Funding programme: National Science Center of Poland 2016/21/B/HS6/01149, 2016-2020
Description: In this project we intend to have a closer look at the exclusion paradigms and to distinguish the most important components, which lead to the feeling of being rejected or ignored (ostracized). In five studies, we will test the impact of social cues (attention and feedback) on emotions, needs satisfaction, physiological responses, and aggressive and helping behavior, under the conditions of internal, external, or both frames of reference. In studies 1 and 2, we will research effects of social cue manipulation relevant for ostracism and rejection under condition of no external frame of reference, however, we will consider the impact of two internal cues: tendency for hostile attributions and closeness with the interaction partner. We hypothesize that internal cues will primarily influence effects of social cue manipulation for dependent variables in ambiguous social cue situations relevant for ostracism, leading to angry and aggressive reactions among high hostility participants but to less angry and more benign responses in close relations. We expect that closeness in relationship will also have an impact on dependent variables in externally calibrated exclusion in study (3) (when individual can compare their relational value with the relational value of others), intensifying affective and physiological responses and inhibiting aggression, while decreasing helping behavior. To test our hypothesis, we have developed a trial version of a program which allows for conducting the majority of the procedure via computer. During the whole computer procedure, physiological reactions will be recorded (GSR, CV reactivity, functional infrared thermal imaging, fITI, and electromyography, EMG). In studies 4 and 5, we will replicate studies 2 and 3 with pairs of real friends.
Polish title: Wskazówki społeczne kształtujące emocjonalne, fizjologiczne i behawioralne reakcje na wykluczenie: zaangażowanie, informacja zwrotna i bliskość relacji.
Principal investigator: dr Joanna Rajchert
Funding programme: National Science Center of Poland 2011/01/D/HS6/05486, 2011 – 2014
Description: The goal of the proposed research is to determine a function of three patterns of readiness for aggression (RA): emotional-impulsive readiness (E-IR), habitual-cognitive readiness (H-CR) and personality-immanent readiness (P-IR) in the relation between rejection (preceded or not by ego-depletion) and aggression. Another question was whether ego-depletion will have similar meaning for aggressive reaction of people with different patterns of RA, therefore willing to base their behavior on different intrapsychic mechanisms. It was hypothesized that in acceptance condition there will be no difference in aggression between participants with high or low E-IR and B-CR, but there might be differences between individuals with high and low P-IR. Presumably individuals with higher E-IR will react more aggressively to rejection and their aggressive reaction will be directed toward rejecting partner as well as toward unknown person. We suppose that such reaction would be even more intensive in ego-depletion condition. Individuals with high B-CR will react to rejection also with more intensive aggression but only toward the person who inflicted the harm. However, reactions of the individuals with high B-CR will not be related to ego-depletion. On the other hand individuals with high P-IR will be more aggressive irrespective of the experimental conditions. To test these hypotheses we plan to run two studies using different procedures of rejection, self-depletion and aggression measurement.
Polish title: Funkcja samokontroli i gotowości do agresji w związku odrzucenia z zachowaniem agresywny.
Principal Investigator: dr Joanna Rajchert
Funding programme: BST 2016/2017
Description: The main goal of the project is to prepare a preliminary experimental adaptation of the Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (RSQ) by Downey and Feldman (1996). Rejection sensitivity is defined as anxious anticipation, easily perceiving and overreacting to signs of rejection. In the authors’ original study, the measure was found to have good psychometric properties. The questionnaire has been used in numerous correlational and experimental studies. In order to estimate the structure, reliability and relevance of the tool in the Polish sample, 3 studies were planned, the first of which will be devoted to establishing the structure and estimating the reliability of the tool, while the next two studies will be directed at verifying the theoretical relevance. In study 2, it is planned to test the RSQ in married couples, verifying the hypothesis of differences in perceptions of relationship quality between individuals with higher and lower levels of rejection sensitivity. In contrast, in Study 3, rejection sensitivity will be correlated with the severity of different attachment styles in romantic relationships.
Polish title: Wrażliwość na odrzucenie – wstępna adaptacja kwestionariusza Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (RSQ) autorstwa Downey i Feldman.
Principal Investigator: Anna Zajenkowska
Funding programme: Ministry of Higher Education grants for increasing scientific potential BSTP 34/13-I
Polish title: Międzypłciowe różnice w podatności na sytuacje prowokacji i frustracji a społeczne reprezentacje agresji w różnych populacjach badanych. Pilotaż narzędzi badawczych.
dr hab. Anna Zajenkowska //
dr hab. Joanna Rajchert //
The Maria Grzegorzewska University // Szczęśliwicka 40 Street // 02-353 Warsaw
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